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Young Environment Ambassador

Igniting Change: Empowering the Next Generation of Environmental Stewards

About YEA

About YEA

To position Hong Kong’s younger generation at the forefront of creating a more sustainable future, Civic Exchange created HongKong2050isNow Young Environment Ambassador (YEA) Programme, which runs every summer. 
This initiative fosters greater awareness of climate change among Hong Kong’s youth and equips the next generation of climate leaders with comprehensive knowledge in climate science, design-thinking skills, and invaluable hands-on experience. 
Launched in 2021, this programme focuses on educating and engaging local students in Forms 3 to 5. We believe that the future of climate action rests in the hands of young leaders who will drive innovation and navigate through uncertain climate scenarios.

Programme Summary

Throughout a period of 2 months, the programme provides participants with knowledge on four key topics: decarbonisation, nature-based solutions, waste management, and sustainable consumption. 


In addition, they will receive training in design thinking and project management from experts. Field trips will be organised to provide them with practical real-life examples. 


By implementing their own sustainable projects mentored by seasoned professionals, they will actively contribute to addressing various environmental challenges and become catalysts for change while gaining valuable hands-on experience.

Climate Change Awareness

Enhance climate change awareness among Hong Kong’s youth

Leadership Training

Equip youth with design thinking and project management skills

Community-based Solutions

Train youth to provide solutions through their own sustainable projects 



The YEA programme is divided into three phases: LEARN, ACT, and LEAD, spanning over two months, during which it gathers a community of Young Environment Ambassadors.


Through workshops and training sessions, the programme equips participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become Climate Changemakers. 


Using their new skills, participants will plan and implement sustainable projects with the support of Civic Exchange and its partners.


Learning Phase (July 2024)

Throughout five sessions, participants gain an understanding of basic climate science and explore four main topics: decarbonisation, nature-based solutions, waste management, and sustainable consumption. They develop a leadership skillset encompassing design thinking, project management, and public speaking. Additionally, they become more aware of local success stories in addressing climate change, including government-led initiatives, prominent environmental NGOs (ENGOs), corporate leaders, and pioneering individuals.


Acting Phase (August 2024)

With a solid skillset and knowledge base, participants will be grouped into teams to implement 3-week long sustainable projects. These projects may include organising volunteer drives, conducting online awareness campaigns, and drafting investigative reports. YEA organisers and professionals from the private sector will provide mentoring and peer discussions.


Leading Phase (August 2024 onwards)

Completion of the programme will be marked by a closing ceremony celebrating the Young Environment Ambassadors' achievements. This event will also signify the commencement of YEAs’ long-term sustainability mission beyond the programme's duration. Exceptional ambassadors may have the opportunity to be matched with internship positions at Civic Exchange and other partner organisations, further supporting their development and expanding their influence as young leaders.

Through the course of the programme,
participants will gain:
  • Leadership skills such as public speaking, design thinking, project management  

  • Hands-on experience in a team mentored by seasoned professionals 

  • Networking opportunities with Hong Kong's environmental leaders in government, the private sector, and civil society 

  • Expertise in climate and sustainability-related topics 

  • Ability to initiate and lead their own sustainable projects, delivering tangible impact 

Upon programme completion,
participants will receive:
  • A certificate of completion*  

  • For outstanding participants, a chance to intern with Civic Exchange’s partner organisations  

  • An opportunity to win exciting prizes 


*Participants must achieve a 100% attendance rate and score 70% or above in the test 


Programme Rundown



Date: 20 July 2024 (Saturday) 
Time: 10:00-12:00 
Venue: Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Central Pier 8 


  • Introduction of the programme 

  • Welcome speech by guests  

  • Panel discussion with former Secretary for Environment Mr. Wong Kam Sing and former Head of Observatory Mr. Lam Chiu Ying lead by Ms. Melody Cheng 


Apply Now



  • F.3-5 students (going into F.4-6) with good academic standing and good communications skills in English and Cantonese 

  • Students with demonstrated leadership potential and interest in sustainability


Language: Cantonese supplemented by English. This will be an excellent opportunity for local students to hone their language skills, while expanding their global perspectives.

Application deadline: Sunday 16 June 2024

Please email back the scanned form to the following address email:

Apply Now
"I have the chance to meet with leaders in the field to learn about their work and how it relates to our YEA program."

"The guest adopts the perspective of a social entrepreneur to come up with impactful ideas that could change society while raising public awareness."

"The random grouping is quite interesting as I have the chance to meet members from different groups. We had the opportunity to learn from each other when I understood how we use various ways to achieve the same goal."

1st Edition, Group 4: "Ecotourism"



Funding organisations


Education partner and co-organiser

Supporting Organisations

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