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2024 YEA Winning Group Introduction - Group 4: Visiting the Wildlife Photography Exhibition and Workshop Visit Hosted by the YEAs

During the "ACT” phase of the Hong Kong 2050 is Now Young Environment Ambassador (YEA) programme, the YEAs formed teams while guided by mentors from the sustainability field after acquiring skills and knowledge during the “LEARN” phase to complete their own sustainable projects. Prizes were given at the Closing Ceremony to recognise outstanding teams and ideas.

Group 4 is the winner of the Exxon Mobil High Potential Award, an award which celebrates the project with the highest feasibility and measurable impact. As part of the Hong Kong Joint School Environment and Conservation Society, Group 4 organised a 5-day wildlife photography exhibition to promote Hong Kong biodiversity and nature-based solutions to the public, where they interacted with more than 600 attendees. This project has the highest public influence out of all YEA projects.

Mr. Wong Kam Sing, former Secretary for the Environment, Ms. Scarlet Wong from RHFF, and our team were invited to visit their exhibition on 19th August at the Hong Kong Maritime Museum. The photo exhibition showcases various ecosystems in Hong Kong, including forest, marine, wetland, and urban environments. After trying out the terrarium workshop, the guests chatted with our YEAs to understand their thoughts about the YEA programme, and they fully supported the idea to set up a joint secondary school society for more like-minded individuals to share ideas.  

We hope the YEAs will take valuable lessons from their project experiences and continue to lead in the future.



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